30% Savings for Greece’s Leading Electrical Retailer
Distributor in Greece, Enegreen, has been working with the country’s leading electrical retailer for more than three years. In that time they have delivered up to 30% savings across the retail chain, year after year, through a proactive approach to managing the stores’ on-going consumption.
The Problem
With Greece facing one of the most challenging economic periods in its history, using resources appropriately and cutting operating costs wherever possible has never been more important.
Taking a consultative approach to their clients’ needs, Enegreen, offers their clients the opportunity to realize continued savings across their retail estates by providing on-going energy monitoring and consultancy.
Understanding that clients are interested in results not products, Enegreen has worked in partnership with the client to implement the EnergyMaps process across their estate.
The Approach
Kotsovolos operates more than 100 stores across Greece, employing 2000 staff. Started in 1950, the company was acquired by the DSGi Group in 2004 and now boasts a rapidly growing franchise network.
Enegreen’s relationship with Kotsovolos began in 2010 with a trial across two flagship stores in Athens. A full roll out across the retail estate followed this trial, which achieved an impressive 25% saving in total electrical energy consumption across the two stores.
Through RT-EMS (Real-Time Energy Management System), real-time and historical energy consumption data is collected, collated and fed back to Enegreen’s control centre, where their team can monitor energy consumption across the chain.
RT-EMS’s ability to monitor multiple locations in one place enables Energreen’s team to remain on top of the latest trends across the whole estate and at an individual store level, identifying issues as they develop.
The Enegreen team combines this data with daily temperature forecasts feeding back to the retail chain specific advice on how they target reductions in consumption.
From day one, Enegreen have provided Kotsovolos with this personal, managed service. Every day a member of their team makes contact with stores to highlight any anomalies or spikes in consumption.
The Results
The relationship with Kotsovolos is now three years in and Enegreen continues to demonstrate savings of up to 30% each year, building on those early successes.
Enegreen’s team continues to perform daily checks across the retail chain, feeding suggestions through to the individual stores for implementation. They carry out regular, routine inspections and audits across multiple sites, identifying further opportunities for savings as they move forward.
Kotsovolos benefits from having the specialist knowledge of a team of energy managers feeding in the latest information on cost savings to be had.
Enegreen has now begun work with another leading retailer in the country with the aim of achieving similar results on their behalf.