LESP                                           Phone: 562.202.1291

3531 Thor Ave.    

Los Alamitos, CA 90720  


Providing SMALL BUSINESS a Competitive Edge

What is the Small Business Energy Program?

LESP's small business energy program, is a cost-effective approach to reducing energy output and monthly electricity bills. We recognize small businesses are threatened on  a number off operational fronts; as a result, we develop energy saving programs specifically with the small business owner in mind. When every dollar is critical to cash-flow and profitability, we shine the light for small business owner who do not have the time, resources or expertise to audit and adjust their own energy usage.

  Competitive Edge Summary

      1.     Zero Cash Down

      2.     Up to 70% of costs offset through technology and incentives

      3.     Estimated energy savings finances program

      4.     Typically, less than two year financing repayment

      5.     Start saving, pay less and free your business from raising energy costs

      6.     Spend on what you really need to grow your business


Pays for itself:  More than a financing option.

In addition to identifying rebates and incentives, the financing loan repayment plan is based on estimated energy savings from the new, installed energy-efficient measures. As a result, the typical customer pay approximately the same amount as they did before the LESP Competitive Edge  Program for the length of re-payment, which is generally less than two years. After this period, your business achieves substantial savings through lower energy costs.

Why is this being offered?

With new legislation and a greater emphasis placed on energy conservation and demand-side management, LESP has recognized the  need - and burden - on small businesses looking to break through to the next  level.  LESP's Competitive  Edge Program was specifically designed  to support customers who haven't - or haven't been able to - take advantage of energy efficiency programs. It is LESP's way of  helping smaller customers become better environmental citizens with a competitive and cost-effective price provided by LESP, as a cost of going green.

Who can participate?

Small businesses with an average 12-month peak demand 11 kW and 200 kW

What do you look for in analyzing my energy-efficiency?

  • Lighting Usage and Behaviors

  • Lighting Technology and  Upgrades

To Contact Us:

Please call us at 562-202 1291


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